Made a new friend today [2448×3264]
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ENDER'S GAME -- Trailer
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Born 2 days ago... Can't we all just get along? [1200×900]
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False Advertising [1200×900]
Od: mimi do s/RedditTOP50 z k/Nauka 4105 dni temu
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That time when Stephen Colbert met Stephen King.
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Breakfasts Around the World
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Forget Price is Right, Wheel of Fortune and Millionaire, this guy has the largest set of balls I have ever seen on Jeopardy.
Od: mimi do s/RedditTOP50 z k/Nauka 4105 dni temu
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TIL A South African IT company preferred to use a pigeon to transport a 4GB flash drive over 80 km (50 mi) instead of using the country's biggest ISP's ADSL. Including downloading, it took two hours for the data to arrive, the same amount of time it took to tranfer 4% of the data over the ADSL.
Od: mimi do s/RedditTOP50 z k/Nauka 4105 dni temu
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The best part was sending it through the airport x-ray machine on the way home...
Od: mimi do s/RedditTOP50 z k/Nauka 4105 dni temu
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Charles Ramsey: The man who rescued the 3 girls in Ohio is a dead ringer for the barber in Coming to America [960×533]
Od: mimi do s/RedditTOP50 z k/Nauka 4105 dni temu
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And here we see the young police car, hunting for the first time without its mother. [460×816]
Od: mimi do s/RedditTOP50 z k/Nauka 4105 dni temu
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My friend's new puppy doing its first howl [960×639]
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Frozen Lighthouse [632×960]
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Charles Ramsey- The 911 call (phone number censored)
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I work next door to a dog groomer and the owner lets me know when there are puppies around. Today, I got to play with Rollo. [1224×1632]
Od: mimi do s/RedditTOP50 z k/Nauka 4105 dni temu
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Stingrays under the boat
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Some interesting shots from GWB's presidency
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Never knew Malcolm in the Middle could be so deep
Od: mimi do s/RedditTOP50 z k/Nauka 4105 dni temu
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So my friend is developing an independent game that involves hunting dinosaurs and not getting eaten by T-Rex
Od: mimi do s/RedditTOP50 z k/Nauka 4105 dni temu
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An inflatable lawn tent. Imagine laying in this while it's raining. [450×351]
Od: mimi do s/RedditTOP50 z k/Nauka 4105 dni temu