Walking down the street when I noticed a commotion ahead. Saw this naked dude getting a taser to the balls. NSFW [306×408]
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My kid took a panorama photo of me that went horribly right.
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Stephen Hawking joins academic boycott of Israel
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My friend Tony died last night trying to save someone from a wreck. I guess I just wanted to show as many people as possible that there is good in the world.
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My (former)Boss is really a great guy.. [600×400]
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This little ducky wanted to be like the flamingos [1200×1200]
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Bank of China Cuts Off North Korea Trade Bank: One of China's biggest banks said Tuesday it has halted business with a North Korean bank accused by the U.S. of financing Pyongyang's missile and nuclear programs in the latest sign of Beijing's anger with its estranged ally.
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I'm a college instructor and a student said this to me during my office hours today. Tragic.
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Local nail salon [612×612]
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I got covered in paraffin oil taking this picture. It is one of the best I've taken to date. [996×1500]
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Michael Jackson vindicated. "The autopsy confirmed what Jackson told people who questioned why his skin tone became lighter in the 1980s. Jackson had "vitiligo, a skin pigmentation disease."
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North Korea withdraws missiles
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A bunch of kids made the local paper for underage drinking. One girl had no fucks to give. [960×480]
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My typical day at work. [720×540]
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TIL Ernest Hemingway took a urinal from his favorite bar and moved it into his Key West home, arguing that he had "pissed away" so much of his money into the urinal that he owned it.
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Internet Traffic from Syria Just Disappeared
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Satellite Interview? Totally Necessary, Nancy!
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Dispersants make oil spills 52 times more toxic to phytoplankton
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Elizabeth Smart: Abstinence Education Teaches Rape Victims They’re Worthless, Dirty, And Filthy
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I went ahead and cheered up the rest of the group. [960×480]
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