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      scape 4105 dni temu

      The exhaustive research and numerous investigations carried over the last few decades suggest that curcumin has great potential in the prevention and cure of cancer. Curcumin modulates several biochemical pathways and numerous targets involved in carcinogenesis. Phase I clinical trials have revealed that up to 8 g of curcumin per day for 3 months is well tolerated in humans, although the optimum dose that can be administered for therapy is still unclear. Orally administered curcumin has poor bioavailability and tissue accumulation, yet it has been found to be effective. The low levels of curcumin in the serum and tissue may account for its safety, but leave a question mark on the dose that should be administered to bring out the therapeutic effect. Several other agents such as piperine and ginger are known to improve the bioavailability of drugs by suppressing glucuronidation in the liver, but whether that affects the safety of the drugs has not been determined.
      These findings lead us to two conclusions: first, structural analogs of curcumin that are more bioavailable and effective than current forms should be designed, and second, large and well-controlled clinical trials are required to determine the potential of curcumin for prevention and therapy of disease. Nevertheless, it is clear that curcumin, a component of turmeric, exhibits anticancer and other health benefits. It is cost-effective and has been used for centuries without known side effects.
